12 – Anable – Playing With Feelings

We discuss Aubrey Anable’s Playing With Feelings.

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Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

Episode 61 – Finale

This is the last episode of the show.

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Chris Hunt created the Season 6 theme. 

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

11 – Galloway – Gaming

We discuss Alexander Galloway’s Gaming.

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Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

Episode 60 – Torment: Tides of Numenera – 7

We finish this cursed game.

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Chris Hunt created the Season 6 theme. 

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

10 – Phillips – Shooting To Kill

We discuss some beach reads, and do a short episode on Amanda Phillips’ essay “Shooting to Kill: Headshots, Twitch, Reflexes, and the Mechropolitics of Video Games,” which was published in Games & Culture in 2018.

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Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

2 – Preparation and Truth

This episode is all about how you can think of prepping for a session as a GM. What does a lot of prep get you? What does a heavy reliance of improvisation buy you?

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The theme for this show was created by Chris Hunt.
Check out everything Ranged Touch has to offer by going to rangedtouch.com
Also we have a Discord channel.

Episode 59 – Torment: Tides of Numenera – 6

We go into the Maw.

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Chris Hunt created the Season 6 theme. 

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

9 – Dyer-Witheford and de Peuter – Games of Empire

We discuss Games of Empire by Nick Dyer-Witheford and Greig de Peuter, a book that discusses games, capitalism, and new forms of labor that constitute a little something called Empire. There might be some room for resistance as well.

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Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon, where you can also get our notes for this episode for $3 a month!

Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

1 – The First Session

The first episode of Helpful Homunculi is all about the first session of a tabletop RPG. How do you prepare? What do you do? How do you set expectations? We help you.

Follow us on Twitter @rangedtouch.
Support us on Patreon by clicking here.
The theme for this show was created by Chris Hunt.
Check out everything Ranged Touch has to offer by going to rangedtouch.com
Also we have a Discord channel.

Queer Pain: The Missing and the Mechanics of Self-Harm

by Marielle Neisler // @Lilli_F

Content Warning: Transphobia, self harm, and suicide. Spoilers for
The Missing.

All screenshots are from The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories.

Video games have next-to-no history with trans women, but what does exist is riddled with pitfalls. Most depictions of trans women fall into a few problematic categories. Sometimes the character will be played for laughs, being depicted as really a man in a dress such as with Erica in the game Catherine. Alternatively they can be portrayed as intentionally predatory such as the beach scene in Persona 3 where the protagonists unsuccessfully pick up women until they come across one who is receptive. A spot of facial hair “outs” her as trans and it’s then that the protagonists abandon their search. And, of course, there’s Poison from Final Fight, a character who was made trans because the developers believed that depictions of hitting women would cause problems for an American release.

These sorts of depictions are commonplace in media as a whole, and it’s unsurprising that they’ve found their way into video games. However, there have been a few minor bright spots. Recently, more games have been including trans women into games in either neutral or positive lights. Most frequently these characters are relatively minor NPCs tucked away into one corner of the world, like Mizhena in Baldur’s Gate: Dragonspear or Hainly Abrams in Mass Effect: Andromeda. They are simply trans women existing in their respective universes.

A more prominent example is Vivian from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. In the original Japanese, Vivian’s character is portrayed as a sympathetic trans woman character, but this nuance was dropped in the American release. And there are also numerous positive portrayals of trans women in independent games that are invested in telling stories important to their queer creators: Dys4ia by Anna Anthropy, We Know The Devil by Pillow Fight, or Secret Little Haven by Victoria Dominowski, but rarely is that the case in games produced by larger studios led by non-queer creators.

A game that intersects with all of these issues, and the game that I’m actually interested in talking about here, is The Missing: J. J. Macfield and the Island of Memories. The game is ostensibly about a queer woman named Jackie who is on a camping trip with her girlfriend, Emily. She wakes up to find Emily missing and starts looking for her. During this search the game drip feeds background and characterization to the player via old text message conversations that are unlocked as you progress. These let the player know about Jackie’s relationship with her friends, mother, and one of her professors. These interactions slowly build the background conflict leading up to the events in the game, and they inform the big “reveal” at the end of the game: Jackie is a trans woman, and much of the game is a surreal metaphor for her thoughts and feelings about that transition.

The knowledge that Jackie is a trans woman contextualizes her disinterest in more typically masculine activities, the stream of microaggressions from her mother about growing into the heir her deceased father would have wanted, and the way she treasures her friendship with Emily for not rejecting her upon coming out. The game itself is mechanically focused on graphically harming yourself in various ways to solve puzzles with acts of self-harm ranging from dismemberment to immolation. This is, needless to say, precarious ground for a game to tread upon – especially when focusing on a queer character.

With the primary mechanical interaction being one of self-harm it runs the risk of the game becoming one of spectacle where there is a perverse incentive to find new and inventive ways to make Jackie kill or harm herself. However, the game avoids this pitfall by not rewarding this sort of play. The experience is bloody, but it is also tame and calculated. Jackie’s mechanical deaths lack a strong sense of physicality. There are no unique death animations. When Jackie’s head comes in contact with a hazard it simply disappears instead of splattering into a bloody mess. A short buzz saw sound may play, a low vibration may occur, and there may be a small spread of blood, but it all executes with no fanfare. By contrast, the game conveys Jackie’s regeneration with a flash of light, a rising note, and a satisfying afterglow.

The violence is depicted this way not because of some arbitrary choice, but because it better communicates that the game is about internal struggles and not senseless violence. The dismemberment of the protagonist is in service to something else. It’s a statement about the struggles of coming to terms with transitioning. It is about knowing the possibility of social othering. It is about knowing the attempted suicide rate for trans people being over 40%. It is about knowing the statistics behind the Transgender Day of Remembrance. It is knowing all these struggles and more that come with transitioning, but also knowing that you must confront them to survive. Self-harm and suicide occur at a much higher rate in the trans community than in the population as a whole, much of which is a consequence of the psychological harm enacted upon trans women by these sorts of external forces. However, the game’s violence is not a direct representation of that, and it’s my argument that it instead focuses on the fear of that violence and how it affects the decisions of nascent trans women.

The hairshrieker discussed in the paragraph below.

Jackie is a young trans woman on the cusp of transitioning. The game’s violence metaphorizes the struggle of choosing to continue living a broken, incomplete life as a man or beginning to transitioning and embracing the difficulties and perils that entails. The metaphor is reinforced during the hairshrieker chase sequences of the game. During these sequences Jackie is chased by the physical embodiment of her fears wielding the tool of her suicide, and she must navigate a series of platforming challenges. Time is an ever present factor in transitioning and can often feel like a pursuer. This lines up with real-world experiences of trans women who know that medically transitioning becomes less effective as you age, with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in particular becoming less effective the older you are. At the same time, not transitioning over time leads to increased rates of suicide with folks giving into despair. It is not a game about how trans womens’ bodies are scary; it is about how being trans is scary.

The power of the game comes from the fact that it is about this pain but it does not focus on it. Instead, it is about the regeneration of Jackie. During the nadir of the game, Jackie climbs to the top of the roof to find a suicide note and Emily’s corpse hanging from a noose. In response Jackie hangs herself next to Emily. However, the note ends with “Sorry mom, Sorry Emily.” Emily’s corpse fades out of existence leaving solely Jackie, and it makes clear that up to this point Emily has acted as the projection of Jackie’s fears about Emily and society at large. Giving voice to the fears and insecurities that Jackie holds about herself. The rope holding Jackie snaps and her body plummets from the tower landing inside the classroom where she slit her wrists. She once more revives before slow walking through the halls where the shadows of her peers harass her, culminating in a scene in which she briefly becomes the hairshrieker before separating from it with new found resolve to face her fears.

There is another, final, confrontation with the hairshrieker, and this time she triumphs over it declaring “I’m ready to accept myself now.” She bests the physical manifestation of her inner demons and awakens once more in the real world. At this point, the game renders explicit two things that had only been implied up to this point: Jackie had attempted to commit suicide and was experiencing a kind of life-flashing-before-your-eyes dream, and Jackie is a pre-transition trans woman. The avatar you had been playing as up until this point is an idealized version of Jackie. A short scene plays during which Jackie is reunited with Emily and it communicates the idea that she is going to be okay.

It is not uncommon for media pieces to reveal someone is trans for either comedic value or to shock someone either in-universe or the audience. This is not the case in Jackie’s reveal. It is a summation of her story, the final piece of the puzzle. The game at no point undermines her womanhood, and at the outset the game states “this game was made with the belief that nobody is wrong for being what they are.” The game handles the reveal well: it does not make her transness her defining characteristic, it does not question the validity of her identity, and the text message conversations give her room to flourish as a character outside of her queer identity.

Furthermore, it gives trans women the opportunity to see themselves in games. It depicts their struggles in a respectful manner. It shows the difficulties that happen with unsupportive family members and the despair that can come with it. It communicates the crushing feeling of societal and familial expectation while still remaining hopeful. It offers a brief glimpse into the experiences and lives of trans women without fetishizing their struggles or pain.

Admittedly all of this is a low bar to clear, representation for trans women in the AAA space is terrible, but I think the handling of the ‘reveal’ of transness in the game is handled surprisingly well.  It is a final note that brings together the narrative of Jackie’s story. Although the game started out as overtly queer with the opening scene featuring a tender romantic moment between Jackie and Emily, but the narrative of strictly a queer love story begins to show holes as it progresses.  These holes are filled by the information that Jackie is trans. Furthermore, by having the reveal take place after the scene most explicitly representing the regeneration and resurrection of Jackie it causes the scene to work twofold. The first being the literal resurrection of Jackie from the brink of death and the second being the rebirth of Jackie as a woman via coming to terms with being trans and moving forward with her transition.  The death and resurrection of Jackie as a woman brings her peace and the strength to accept herself – to continue living despite the pain that comes with it.

Additional Reading

Atlus, We Haven’t Forgotten Your Mishandling of LGBTQ Characters – https://waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/wjpnam/atlus-we-havent-forgotten-your-mishandling-of-lgbtq-characters-catherine-full-body

It’s Time to Talk About it: Atlus, Naoto, and Transphobia – http://www.mattiebrice.com/its-time-to-talk-about-it-atlus-naoto-and-transphobia/

The Missing Gets Queer Loves Stories Right – https://kotaku.com/the-missing-gets-queer-love-stories-right-1829784922

Episode 58 – Torment: Tides of Numenera – 5

We go to Miel Avest and learn a little bit about the past.

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Chris Hunt created the Season 6 theme. 

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 57 – Torment: Tides of Numenera – 4

We go to the Valley of Forgotten Heroes and talk about the cosmology of this world.

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Chris Hunt created the Season 6 theme. 

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

8 – Bloom – Gaming The Stage

We discuss Gina Bloom’s Gaming the Stage, a book about the relationship between games and theater in the early modern era.

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Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

7 – End of 2018 Wrapup

This is the seventh episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, a podcast where your two co-hosts read through works of academic game studies and talk about it. If you’re interested in that, you might like this show!

We’ve been “holiday busy,” so this is an end-of-year wrapup show while we prepare for the next book!

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Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

Episode 56 – Torment: Tides of Numenera – 3

In the fifty-sixth episode of the show, we do some of the early sidequests in the game. We talk about how bad the combat is.

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Chris Hunt created the Season 6 theme. 

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

6 – Gaunt – The Games Black Girls Play

This is the sixth episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, a podcast where your two co-hosts read through works of academic game studies and talk about it. If you’re interested in that, you might like this show!

This episode is about Kyra D. Gaunt’s The Games Black Girls Play, a book about the ethnomusicology of music games in African American culture in the 20th and 21st century.

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Jack/HendrixTrog did the Metal Gear Solid parody.

Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

Episode 55 – Torment: Tides of Numenera – 2

In the fifty-fifth adventure, we talk about the differences between Torment and previous games we’ve played. We go into our brains. We find a clock.

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Chris Hunt created the Season 6 theme. 

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

5 – Caillois – Man, Play and Games

This is the fifth episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, a podcast where your two co-hosts read through works of academic game studies and talk about it. If you’re interested in that, you might like this show!

This episode is about Roger Caillois’s Man, Play and Games, a book that is critical in the history of game studies.

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Jack/HendrixTrog did the Metal Gear Solid parody.

Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

Episode 54 – Torment: Tides of Numenera – 1

In the fifty-fourth adventure, we talk about our first experiences with Torment: Tides of Numenera.

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Chris Hunt created the Season 6 theme. 

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

4 – Ensslin – Literary Gaming

This is the fourth episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, a podcast where your two co-hosts read through works of academic game studies and talk about it. If you’re interested in that, you might like this show!

This episode is about Astrid Ensslin’s 2014 Literary Gaming, a book that argues for the existence of the literary-ludic spectrum and the mappability of games between those two poles. Do we agree? Listen and find out!

Here is a link to a post with some information about some of the references we made in this episode. You can also see the graph we talk about here.

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Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

Game Studies Study Buddies – Literary Gaming References and Graph

Below you will find a partial list of all of the works we discussed in the fourth episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, which is centered on Astrid Ensslin’s Literary Gaming.

We use referral links for the books so that we can buy more books and keep making new episodes!

Here’s the graph from the book that we discuss:


The Uncle Who Works For Nintendo

My Father’s Long, Long Legs

Sterne – Tristram Shandy

DeLillo – Mao II

Situationist International

Kant – Critique of Judgement

Derrida – “Structure, Sign, and Play”

Spariosu – Dionysus Reborn

Sutton-Smith – The Ambiguity of Play

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus

Caillois – Man, Play and Games

Hayles – How We Became Posthuman

Hayles – “Deep and Hyper Attention”

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Samorost 2

Anthropy – “To The Right, Hold On Tight”

Bogost – Persuasive Games

Jackson – Patchwork Girl

Montfort – Twisty Little Passages

Categorized as General

Episode 53 – Planescape: Torment – 10

In the fifty-third adventure, we talk about Planescape: Torment, what it meant to us, and where we are going from here.

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John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

3 – Murray – Hamlet On The Holodeck

This is the third episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, a podcast where your two co-hosts read through works of academic game studies and talk about it. If you’re interested in that, you might like this show!

This episode is about Janet Murray’s Hamlet On The Holodeck, a classic book in the game studies canon. It argues that procedural media fundamentally changes the stakes of how narrative functions. It was originally published in 1997, and so the question remains: what does it offer us now? We investigate.

Here is a link to a post with some information about some of the references we made in this episode.

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Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon, where you can also get our notes for this episode for $3 a month!

Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

Game Studies Study Buddies – Hamlet On The Holodeck References

Below you will find a partial list of all of the works we discussed in the third episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, which is centered on Janet Murray’s Hamlet On The Holodeck.

We use referral links for the books so that we can buy more books and keep making new episodes!


Aarseth, Espen. Cybertext.

Borges, Jorge Luis. “The Garden of Forking Paths.”

Bronte, Anne. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.

Castle Rock.

Cyan, Inc. Myst.

Derrida, Jacques. Archive Fever.

Eskelinen, Markku. “The Gaming Situation.”

Freud, Sigmund. Beyond the Pleasure Principle.

Frictional Games. Soma.

Friends At The Table

Fullbright Company. Gone Home.

Fullbright Company. Tacoma.

Galloway, Alexander. The Interface Effect.

Genette, Gerard. The Narrative Discourse: An Essay on Method.

Hussie, Andrew. Homestuck.

Iunius, Hadrianus. Incunable / baby clothes.

James, C.L.R. Beyond A Boundary.

Joyce, Michael. afternoon, a story.

Juul, Jesper. Half-Real.


Left 4 Dead’s Director

Lutz, Michael. His postmodernist hypertexts…

McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media.

Manovich, Lev. Nothing specific, but maybe check out Software Takes Command.

MUDs aka Multi User Dungeons.

Propp, Vladimir.

Ranciere, Jacques. Aisthesis.

Salen, Katie and Eric Zimmerman. Rules of Play.

Shanahan, Ian. “Bow N—–”.

Short, Emily. Galatea.

Sicart, Miguel. The Ethics of Computer Games.

Spinoza, Baruch. Ethics.

Trion Worlds. Defiance.

Westworld writers watch the show and rewrite it based on Reddit comments.

Categorized as General

Episode 52 – Planescape: Torment – 9

In the fifty-second adventure, we finish Planescape: Torment.

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John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 51 – Planescape: Torment – 8

In the fifty-first adventure, we go right to hell. We talk about console commands. We get betrayed.

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John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

2 – Chess – Ready Player Two

This is the second episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, a podcast where your two co-hosts read through works of academic game studies and talk about it. If you’re interested in that, you might like this show!

This episode is about Shira Chess’s Ready Player Two, a book that argues for the concept of the “designed identity” of the target audience of casual games. We have a great time talking about the book, designed identity as a method, and actor-network theory. The book has some great insights, and we really dig into how it works.

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Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

Episode 50 – Planescape: Torment – 7

In the big five-oh episode, we go to the city of betrayers to learn a little bit about prison. Danni skips some quests, and CMRN misses something very obvious.

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John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

1 – Juul – Half Real

This is the first episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, a podcast where your two co-hosts read through works of academic game studies and talk about it. If you’re interested in that, you might like this show!

This episode is about Jesper Juul’s 2005 book Half Real, a formative book for the study of games. We talk about the whole book!

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Chris Hunt created the theme song for this show.

Episode 49 – Planescape: Torment – 6

In our forty-ninth episode, we go to the Clerk’s Ward to find Ravel.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

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Follow Danni on Twitter.

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Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 48 – Planescape: Torment – 5

In our forty-eighth episode, we figure out who kidnapped Morte, find a magical skull, and learn about the horrors of pollution.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

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Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Prepare To Give Announcement!

Ranged Touch announces its first streaming marathon for charity: PREPARE TO GIVE!

On May 29th, noon Eastern Standard Time join us as Danni plays the new DARK SOULS: REMASTERED while Cameron commentates! The Ranged Touch crew will stream until Gwyn is slain!

Throughout the event we will be raising money for the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, a legal aid organization that serves people who are transgender, intersex and/or gender non-conforming. There will be excitement, donation incentives, and surprises along the way.

Join us over on Twitch!

Categorized as General

Episode 47 – Planescape: Torment – 4

In our forty-seventh episode, we go find the place where we died.

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Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 46 – Planescape: Torment – 3

In our forty-fifth episode, we do a little favor for Pharod, find Many As One, and talk to The Silent King.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Come hang out in our Discord channel.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 45 – Planescape: Torment – 2

In our forty-fifth episode, we wander around The Hive and look for Pharod.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Come hang out in our Discord channel.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 44 – Planescape: Torment – 1

In our forty-fourth episode, we begin Planescape: Torment.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Come hang out in our Discord channel.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

John Fio and Gina Moffit created the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Planescape: Torment is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is heralded as one of the greatest RPG games ever made.

Our biweekly show is a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 43 – Baldur’s Gate Franchise Wrapup

This is Mages and Murderdads, the best show dedicated to the Baldur’s Gate franchise (and beyond), hosted by Danni and CMRN.

In our forty-third episode, we discuss the entire franchise and what we took from it. We answer a bunch of your questions, and we talk about the future!

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Come hang out in our Discord channel.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

Je Suis France wrote the Season 4 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 42 – Throne of Bhaal – 5

This is Mages and Murderdads, the best show dedicated to the Baldur’s Gate franchise (and beyond), hosted by Danni and CMRN.

In our forty-second episode, we fight The Ravager and the final big bad boss fight of Throne of Bhaal. We talk about RPG game design, and CMRN gets sad.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Come hang out in our Discord channel.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

Je Suis France wrote the Season 4 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 41 – Throne of Bhaal – 4

This is Mages and Murderdads, the best show dedicated to the Baldur’s Gate franchise (and beyond), hosted by Danni and CMRN.

In our forty-first episode, we travel back to the town to find an old friend and fight a monk. Also, we do all the Pocket Plane stuff.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Come hang out in our Discord channel.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

Je Suis France wrote the Season 4 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 40 – Throne of Bhaal – 3

This is the fortieth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, we continue Throne of Bhaal. Balthazar defeats a couple dragons, and Ticklevarr delves into the most eldritch magic to overcome the challenges ahead of him.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Come hang out in our Discord channel.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

Je Suis France wrote the Season 4 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 39 – Throne of Bhaal – 2

This is the thirty-ninth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, we continue Throne of Bhaal. We fight some drow, illithids, and other dangerous things that do bonk in the dark.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Come hang out in our Discord channel.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

Je Suis France wrote the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 38 – Throne of Bhaal – 1

This is the thirty-eighth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, we begin Throne of Bhaal, the expansion for Baldur’s Gate 2 and the final entry in the Baldur’s Gate franchise so far. We learn about witches, pseudo-Greek myths, Yaga Shura, and Bhaalspawn. Everyone gets a little excited. Danni yells.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

Je Suis France wrote the Season 5 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 37 – Baldur’s Gate II – 18

This is the thirty-seventh episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, we go to Hell and fight Irenicus. We also meet an old friend.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 36 – Baldur’s Gate II – 17

This is the thirty-sixth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, we make our way to Suldanessaelar in order to defeat our rude enemy, Jon Irenicus. There’s another dragon.

Follow Ranged Touch on Twitter.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 35 – Baldur’s Gate II – 16

This is the thirty-fifth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, we do a miscellaneous grab bag of things that we have been putting off doing for a dozen episodes or more. We head back to the Planar Sphere, take on the Twisted Rune, and talk to Kangaxx about his head, arms, legs, and torso. We figure out how shadow dragons work. We do some in-depth research on liches.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 34 – Baldur’s Gate II – 15

This is the thirty-fourth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, we play through Chapter 6, which has us tracking down Bodhi. Also, we get revenge on Saemon Havarian.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 33 – Baldur’s Gate II – 14

This is the thirty-third episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, we work through Chapter 5, which takes place entirely in the Underdark. Surrounded by svirfneblin, drow, umber hulks, kuo toa, illithids, cages of souls, genies, elementals, balor, and a whole host of other things, our intrepid heroes walk from place to place. Balthazar fights a dragon. Ticklevarr is over it.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 32 – Baldur’s Gate II – 13

This is the thirty-second episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, we take a metagaming route to play the second half of Chapter 4. There are pirate boats, sea horns, and interdimensional pirate law. Balthazar breaks the game again.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 31 – Baldur’s Gate II – 12

This is the thirty-first episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

It is by the grace of Ilmater that we have finally made our way into the Forgotten Realm of the plot of this video game. We do the first half of Chapter 4, which means that we travel to the town of Brynnlaw and the Institution of Spellhold. We talk about the inauguration of pirate law, what it means to hang out in Riddle Town, and how serious it is when something is Gygaxian.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 30 – Baldur’s Gate II – 11

This is the thirtieth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

I heard a rumor that this was the episode that we finally progressed the story forward. I will tell you this: we are now doing it. Danni has allied with mysterious graveyard being, and CMRN has given the Shadow Thieves some cash, and now they are trading off missions in order to find Irenicus and Imoen. People die in this episodes. Do dragons win?

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 29 – Baldur’s Gate II – 10

This is the twenty-ninth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

They say that you can never go home again, but ‘they’ might not have played Baldur’s Gate 2. In this episode, we make our way back to Athkatla and the docks district of the city. We learn a little about thieves, think about guilds, and talk about how terrible the Harpers are. Red Wizards of Thay and Wild Mages appear as well. It’s a good episode.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 28 – Baldur’s Gate II – 9

This is the twenty-eighth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, the intrepid heroes go to the Winspear Hills. It’s a linear adventure, but it’s classic Gygaxian fare. Lots of golems, a troll cook, plus an old friend who we never expected to see again. There is also a maze, and an argument about what constitutes a genie.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 27 – Baldur’s Gate II – 8

This is the twenty-seventh episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, the intrepid heroes go to Trademeet. Trademeet is exceptionally good, and they solve some druid problems, fight a skin dancer, and see some vampire ghosts. They also have a very long conversation about druids and how they make almost zero sense.

Also, Neeber!

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 26 – Baldur’s Gate II – 7

This is the twenty-sixth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, the two buff and strong players make their way to De’Arnise Keep. There, they find a strong crew of trolls (including a spectral troll) who have taken over the rightful lands of Nalia De’Arnise. Other stuff happens, too, including a long discussion of where the characters are now versus when the show started.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 25 – Baldur’s Gate II – 6

This is the twenty-fifth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, the two intrepid players investigate Lavok and his nefarious Planar Sphere. They investigate Dragonlance, and they talk about how cool Dark Sun is. CMRN gets mad about teleportation.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 24 – Baldur’s Gate II – 5

This is the twenty-fourth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, our noble heroes go to the Umar Hills to solve some problems. They premiere their new sitcom Daar and Dad, and they learn all about a stone golem. They also figure out what’s going on with mimic blood. Finally, they solve the TRUE mystery of the Forgotten Realms and Amaunator.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 23 – Baldur’s Gate II – 4

This is the twenty-third episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience.

In this episode, our friends go to the Bridge District. It is there that they learn the great and terrible secret of all life: A wizard did it. No, not really. Instead, the meet a Jack the Ripper-esque murderer! And then they watch a terrible play! It’s a rip roaring (oops) episode here.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 22 – Baldur’s Gate II – 3

This is the twenty-second episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience. In this episode, our friends make their way to the Temple District where they encounter a cult. They try to see the Unseeing Eye, find a temple to a forgotten god, and make their way to a guarded compound where a glabrezu awaits. There is also a lich!

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 21 – Baldur’s Gate II – 2

This is the twenty-first episode of Mages and Murderdads, a podcast slash video show where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience. In this episode, our friends make their way through Waukeen’s Promenade and part of the Slum district. They get involved with a man who coos, fight against slavers in the Copper Coronet, and go to the circus. They pick up on lots of plot threads. What an episode!

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 20 – Baldur’s Gate II – 1

This is the twentieth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a pod/vid cast where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience. In this episode, our fun friends open their eyes in a wizard’s dungeon. They have been tortured, and they need to get out. Sam Jackson appears. Dungeon and encounter design makes an appearance, and we’re setting up for a raucous and excellent time over the next several thousand episodes.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

audiosprite made the Season 3 theme.

@silverskinned created the cartoon versions of us.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. We played through Siege of Dragonspear, and now we are into Baldur’s Gate 2, which is a wide and weird game of 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons experience. It’s a Gygaxian affair of the highest sort, and we are experiencing our best lives as adventurers in this fantasy world.

Episode 19 – Siege of Dragonspear – 8

This is the nineteenth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a pod/vid cast where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience. In this episode, the crew talk to a very special guest: Phil Daigle, the lead designer on Siege of Dragonspear. They talk about the Forgotten Realms, encounter design, and hint at Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s a great conversation!

Also they talk about Elminster.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Follow Phil on Twitter.

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

Brian Taylor made the Season 2 theme.

@silverskinned on Twitter created the cartoon versions of us

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. Siege of Dragonspear is the newest expansion to Baldur’s Gate developed by Beamdog. It is a fantasy adventure that has the player going to Dragonspear Castle to stop the Crusade of Caelar Argent. It’s complicated.

Episode 18 – Siege of Dragonspear – 7

This is the eighteenth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a pod/vid cast where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience. In this episode, they go to Avernus to find out what the hell is going on in hell. They learn about the fantasy afterlife, and they do some hard thinking about the morals and ethics that this Forgotten Realms fantasy adventure takes on. Also, there is a trial.

Follow CMRN on Twitter.

Follow Danni on Twitter.

Brian Taylor made the Season 2 theme.

@silverskinned on Twitter created the cartoon versions of us

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon.

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. Siege of Dragonspear is the newest expansion to Baldur’s Gate developed by Beamdog. It is a fantasy adventure that has the player going to Dragonspear Castle to stop the Crusade of Caelar Argent. It’s complicated.

Episode 17 – Siege of Dragonspear – 6

This is the seventeenth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a pod/vid cast where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience. In this episode, they attack a fantasy castle and get into fantasy combat and do all of the things that you do in a fantasy combat game of serious maximal coolness. They also talk about tieflings and aasimar and which ones are better.

Follow CMRN on Twitter. 

Brian Taylor made the Season 2 theme.

@silverskinned on Twitter created the cartoon versions of us

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon. 

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. Siege of Dragonspear is the newest expansion to Baldur’s Gate developed by Beamdog. It is a fantasy adventure that has the player going to Dragonspear Castle to stop the Crusade of Caelar Argent. It’s complicated.

Episode 16 – Siege of Dragonspear – 5

This is the sixteenth episode of Mages and Murderdads, a pod/vid cast where Danni and CMRN play through the Baldur’s Gate series and talk about the experience. In this episode, they delve down into the deep underground fantasy place to fight a dragon and rescue drow teens. There are also druids and myconids. It’s weird.

Follow CMRN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ckunzelman

Brian Taylor made the Season 2 theme.

@silverskinned on Twitter created the cartoon versions of us

Support this show and all of our videos on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ckunzelman

Baldur’s Gate is a computer role-playing game (CRPG) from the late 1990s that is largely thought to be one of the greatest RPG games ever made. We really enjoy it and the series it started, so this is our attempt to play through the whole thing. It’s just a chill, fun time where we talk about alignment, Dungeons and Dragons, and a general plethora of stuff we care about in the Forgotten Realms. Siege of Dragonspear is the newest expansion to Baldur’s Gate developed by Beamdog. It is a fantasy adventure that has the player going to Dragonspear Castle to stop the Crusade of Caelar Argent. It’s complicated.