Game Studies Study Buddies – Literary Gaming References and Graph

Below you will find a partial list of all of the works we discussed in the fourth episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, which is centered on Astrid Ensslin’s Literary Gaming.

We use referral links for the books so that we can buy more books and keep making new episodes!

Here’s the graph from the book that we discuss:


The Uncle Who Works For Nintendo

My Father’s Long, Long Legs

Sterne – Tristram Shandy

DeLillo – Mao II

Situationist International

Kant – Critique of Judgement

Derrida – “Structure, Sign, and Play”

Spariosu – Dionysus Reborn

Sutton-Smith – The Ambiguity of Play

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus

Caillois – Man, Play and Games

Hayles – How We Became Posthuman

Hayles – “Deep and Hyper Attention”

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Samorost 2

Anthropy – “To The Right, Hold On Tight”

Bogost – Persuasive Games

Jackson – Patchwork Girl

Montfort – Twisty Little Passages

Categorized as General

Game Studies Study Buddies – Hamlet On The Holodeck References

Below you will find a partial list of all of the works we discussed in the third episode of Game Studies Study Buddies, which is centered on Janet Murray’s Hamlet On The Holodeck.

We use referral links for the books so that we can buy more books and keep making new episodes!


Aarseth, Espen. Cybertext.

Borges, Jorge Luis. “The Garden of Forking Paths.”

Bronte, Anne. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.

Castle Rock.

Cyan, Inc. Myst.

Derrida, Jacques. Archive Fever.

Eskelinen, Markku. “The Gaming Situation.”

Freud, Sigmund. Beyond the Pleasure Principle.

Frictional Games. Soma.

Friends At The Table

Fullbright Company. Gone Home.

Fullbright Company. Tacoma.

Galloway, Alexander. The Interface Effect.

Genette, Gerard. The Narrative Discourse: An Essay on Method.

Hussie, Andrew. Homestuck.

Iunius, Hadrianus. Incunable / baby clothes.

James, C.L.R. Beyond A Boundary.

Joyce, Michael. afternoon, a story.

Juul, Jesper. Half-Real.


Left 4 Dead’s Director

Lutz, Michael. His postmodernist hypertexts…

McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media.

Manovich, Lev. Nothing specific, but maybe check out Software Takes Command.

MUDs aka Multi User Dungeons.

Propp, Vladimir.

Ranciere, Jacques. Aisthesis.

Salen, Katie and Eric Zimmerman. Rules of Play.

Shanahan, Ian. “Bow N—–”.

Short, Emily. Galatea.

Sicart, Miguel. The Ethics of Computer Games.

Spinoza, Baruch. Ethics.

Trion Worlds. Defiance.

Westworld writers watch the show and rewrite it based on Reddit comments.

Categorized as General

Prepare To Give Announcement!

Ranged Touch announces its first streaming marathon for charity: PREPARE TO GIVE!

On May 29th, noon Eastern Standard Time join us as Danni plays the new DARK SOULS: REMASTERED while Cameron commentates! The Ranged Touch crew will stream until Gwyn is slain!

Throughout the event we will be raising money for the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, a legal aid organization that serves people who are transgender, intersex and/or gender non-conforming. There will be excitement, donation incentives, and surprises along the way.

Join us over on Twitch!

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